4K spectrometric ADC with USB interface and USB bus supply

Conversion type


Number of analog inputs


Amplitude of input pulses

40 mV - 4,0 V

Rise time
 not less
 not more

0,5 mks 
20,0 mks

Charger channel capacity

232· 4096

Number of output bits (channels)

12 (4096)

Conversion frequency

100 MHz

Integral non-linearity


Differential non-linearity

+1,0 % at the level 5· 104 in the channel

Value of drift of generating peak, not worse then

0,1% within 8 hours of continuous work

Time of test

5,0 mks (or by order)

Power requirements +5 V

470 mA (2,35 Vatt)

Structure / construction:

Plastic body
150x80x30 mm

Bus type


.doc, WinRAR >> Specification "4KSACPUSB.rar"